News and Events



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September 2022             

Dr. Xi moves to Boehringer Ingelheim. Congratulations to Dr. Xi.

Ayman Sami joins the lab.

August 2022      

Nate Schmidt joins the lab.

July 2022            

John Purdy is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure.

Ian Kline gives an oral presentation on his research at the American Society for Virology meeting.

John Purdy gives a State-of-the-Art talk at the American Society for Virology meeting.

May 2022           

Max Wegner graduates with his bachelor's degree. Next step is graduate school at Vanderbilt University.

Nick Armas graduates with his bachelor’s degree. Next step is a graduate school at University of Michigan.

April 2022          

A paper involving a collaboration with researchers in Italy and Germany is accepted at mBio.

March 2022       

Anissa McKenna joins the lab.

February 2022  

Dr. Rebekah Mokry from the Medical College of Wisconsin joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow.

July 2021            

Congratulations to co-first authors Lisa Wise and Alice (Sparky) Sweedo on their publication in Cell Mol Bioeng.

The is granted its second R01 award!!! The work will focus on HCMV reprogramming of lipid metabolism.

May 2021           

Yuecheng Xi successfully completed her PhD. Congratulations to Dr. Xi!

The lab is granted its first R01 award!!! The work will focus on metabolite mediated signaling in cell-to-cell spread of HCMV.

Nick Armas joins the lab.

March 2021       

Congratulations to Yuecheng Xi on her second publication from the lab, a mBio paper focused on PERK.

February 2021  

Congratulations to Lisa Wise on her first publication in mBio.

March 2020       

Ian Kline joins the lab after three successful ABBS rotations.

April 2020          

Lisa Wise leaves the lab for Johnson & Johnson. Congratulations to Lisa.

July 2019

Max Wegner joins the lab.

January 2019

Congratulations to Liz Dahlmann on successfully defending her Master’s degree.

April 2019

Marilyn Marron joins the Purdy Lab.

May 2019

Congratulations to Sam Harwood on successfully defending his Master’s degree.

July 2019

Congratulations to Sam Harwood on starting the full scholarship M.D. with Special Qualification in Biomedical Research program at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine.

Aug 2019

Congratulations to Yuecheng Xi on her first publication in the Journal of Virology.

January 2016

Lisa Wise joins the team.

October 2015

The Purdy Lab is born.