Faculty Alumni
Professor, Physiology
Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine Professor, BIO5 Institute Associate Research Scientist, Respiratory Services Professor, Physiological Sciences-GIDP (520) 626-2105
Professor of Immunobiology
Professor of Bio5 Professor of Genetics GIDP Professor of Cancer Biology GIDP (520) 626-2444
Research Scientist, Valley Fever Center for Excellence
Professor, Immunobiology (520) 626-6437
Assistant Research Professor, Immunobiology
(520) 626-0554
Professor, Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Professor, Pathology (520) 621-8445
Director, Microbial Pathogenesis Program
Professor, Immunobiology Professor, BIO5 Institute Professor, Biochemistry/Molecular Biophysics Professor, Animal and Comparative Biomedical Services Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology Professor, Genetics-GIDP (520) 626-3097
Associate Professor, Immunobiology
Associate Professor, BIO5 Institute Research Scientist, Arizona Center on Aging Research Scientist, Arthritis Center-Research Research Scientist, Cancer Center Division (520) 626-7787