Christina graduated from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Chemistry after transferring from Dartmouth College in 2020. She continued on to complete an honors degree at UCT in Molecular and Cell Biology in 2023. During her undergraduate years she performed research in the Mierke-Pellegrini lab at Dartmouth where she studied the structure of NFκB by X-Ray crystallography and later in the Biopharming Research Unit at UCT where she used Nicotiana benthamiana as an expression system for a West Nile virus vaccine candidate. Christina joined the Van Doorslaer lab in 2024, where she is studying the involvement of host regulators of RNA splicing in timing of the Human Papillomavirus life cycle with differentiation of the host epithelium. In her free time, Christina enjoys rock climbing, ultimate frisbee, and computer games.