The 2014 Midwinter Conference of Immunologists at Asilomar: Register Here

The 2014 Midwinter Conference of Immunologists at Asilomar


Registration is continuing for the THE 53rdMIDWINTER CONFERENCE OF IMMUNOLOGISTS.  Register before November 18, 2013 to avoid the late fee!

Click Here to Register for this Event


January 25 – 28, 2014, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove (Monterey) California


Chairpersons:  Terri M. Laufer and Arthur Weiss


The Dan Campbell Memorial Lecturer:  Abul K. Abbas

Please view the website for the 2014 Program which provides the Guest Speakers, Fellowship Awards, Conference Information Letter and a Preview of the Registration Options.  This exciting conference remains reasonably priced and is one of the most collegial meetings of the year for students and senior scientists alike.


Publicity Poster:

PubCvgLtrCU-14.pdf PublicityPoster-14b.pdf

Release Date: 
11/05/2013 - 11:21am