Seeing what others don't, without hallucinating: fast, accurate, and reliable sequence annotation

Friday, May 3, 2024 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

The Immunobiology Seminar Series presents:  "Seeing what Others Don't, Without Hallucinating:  Fast, Accurate, and Reliable Sequence Annotation"


Presenter Details

Travis Wheeler, PhD
Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy
Director, UAHS Bioinformatics Group
University of Arizona

Dr. Wheeler has more than 25 years experience in research and software development.  His group designs algorithms, statistical models, and machine-learning methods for problems motivated by biological data; because methods are only as valuable as the software that implements them, they release well-tested software tools and develop workflows, containerized systems, and web services to share associated tools and results.  The group’s long-standing research focus has been on annotation of biological sequences and accompanying problems in analysis of genome/protein sequences. In recent years, they have increasingly invested energy inprojects tied to developing advanced Machine Learning strategies for genomics, virtual drug screening, and animal tracking and behavior classification. They are particularly driven by problems involving highly accurate analysis of massive scale data (e.g. billions of drug candidates, or petabytes of genome or molecular dynamics data).  Read more


Event Location: 
Drachman Hall, Room B111
Event Contact Person: 
Polly Haffner
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