Ken Knox, MD

Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs - Development - Phoenix
Professor, Internal Medicine
Professor, Medicine
Professor, Immunobiology
The Murray and Clara Walker Memorial Endowed Chair in Emphysema

The Knox lab focuses on using BAL for immunodiagnostics and lung immunity research.  Employing bronchoalveolar lavage in human subject cohorts, they study mucosal immunity in a clinically relevant context.

The Knox lab is currently funded to perform longitudinal translational studies, correlating immunological findings and the lung microbiome with clinical disease in HIV. They are also being funded by the NIH to investigate lung disease complications in HIV patients.

Additionally, they collaborate with other researchers to collect samples for Valley Fever and other fungal infection research as well as collect blood for future research on specific lung diseases including COPD, pulmonary hypertension, and interstitial lung disease.


Research Interests: 

Pulmonary T cell response to infection, particularly HIV Endemic fungal diseases Sarcoidosis Bronchoalveolar lavage

  • Ohio State University, 1994
Honors and Awards
  • Affiliate, American Thoracic Society
  • Affiliate, Society of heart and Lung Transplant
  • Affiliate, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  • Voted in "Best Doctors in America" 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014
  • Internal Medicine: Ohio State University (1994-1997)
  • Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine: Indiana University School of Medicine (1997-2000)
Board Certifications
  • American Board of Internal Medicine
  • American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty of Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine